Miel de Abeja Pura - MarassinaPeru

Natural Honey 200g

S/ 15,10

100% Pure Honey

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Productos 100% Naturales
Envío Rápido
en todo Perú
Pago Seguro con Culqi


SKU: miel-0652931998224 Categories: , Brands:


100% Natural Pure and Artisan Honey

Origin: Acomayo Cusco Peru

Pure and Artisan Honey directly from Cusco Beekeeping at 3500 masl. Our commercial partner beekeeper from the Sacred Valley in Cusco, works with the protocols that beekeeping requires, so PURE and ARTISANAL honey is obtained from wild blooms (without pesticides) in fields at 3500 meters above sea level in the city of Cusco.

HONEY (nectar) characteristics:

Eucalyptus: This plant stimulates the proper functioning of the immune system and is used as an antiseptic and disinfectant against viral and bacterial processes, so it is highly recommended to relieve colds and other respiratory conditions.

Muña: It is a shrubby plant native to the Peruvian Andes and used since ancient times to combat respiratory diseases, stomach problems and rheumatism, given its antiseptic, analgesic and antispasmodic properties.
Chachacomo: It is also effective for insomnia and stress as it has a powerful sedative effect, ideal to help control any nervous state and fall asleep.

Apiary location:
Acos District
Corma community
Acomayo – Cusco

“In cooperation with local BEEKEEPERS”

Additional information

Weight200 g


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